


WordPress is offline because too many people are trying to back their blogs up 😦

I’ve used this before; it works.

You don’t need to own the blog to back it up with this, so if your favorite resource or fan rec blog has been dormant and you think they might get hit (like recipe blogs and sfw queer resource blogs did…), well…

Save a copy.

It might end up being the only surviving one.






oh god what is going on now

guys calm down, you can still draw fictional people naked

#just not fucking.#I can live with that.#honestly this is slightly irritating but not ‘THE SKY IS FALLING’

Yyyyyeah except they’ve already:

  1. purged the ‘chronic pain’ tag
  2. purged the ‘top surgery’ tag
  3. made ‘trans’ tag inaccessible to non-functional
  4. deleted a bunch of chronic illness blogs
  5. deleted a bunch of chronic pain and chronic illness posts from blogs they’ve left (like mine)

This isn’t just about ‘oh no you can’t look at people fucking anymore’ (even though lots of sex workers are losing their means of supporting themselves). This goes a lot further, with a lot more chilling effects. 

The sexualizing of things like ‘top surgery’ or declaring all ‘trans’ tagged things to be … sexual… is really, REALLY fucked up. Never mind the fact that ‘chronic pain’ had NOTHING to do with sexiness, and we’ve been given no explanation as to why disabled people were considered acceptable collateral damage.

ALSO I had a post flagged earlier today for a cartoon picture of Mario in a bathing suit. Mario, from Super Mario Brothers. 

Someone else reported a picture of a cartoon scorpion with a hard hat on being flagged as pornography. Tagging things as ‘queer’ or ‘gay’ gets them flagged NSFW. (Hey, guess what I’d been tagging my t-shirts, because they’re pride stuff? Oh right. Queer. Gay. Pride.)

This is a fucking problem, let’s not blow it off.

I know some people are too young (or simply weren’t involved in fandom back then) to remember what went down with livejournal and a couple of other sites “back in the day”, but it all started out as “it’s okay, we’re just removing the nasty porn”, and then “okay well, just make sure you put your porn behind a cut, no, wait jk you need to host it externally, a link is fine, maybe” and pretty much devolved swiftly into “actually sweety, LGBT content is inherently NSFW by default because it might make the kiddies gay if we expose them to it, so y’all need to leave now byyyeeee”.

Like…that happened. And it took nearly a decade for the fandom spaces to recover and stabilize and to get to the point where LGBT content creators could host their content without being told “you’re not welcome here” and I’m just sitting here, watching as youtube demonetizes LGBT content creators, and Facebook flags up LGBT ads as “inappropriate” and now tumblr is going through the queer and gay tags and just mass blanketing it as inappropriate, while actual pornbots and nazis wind up in my recommended feed.

Like I am uncomfortable y’all. I am looking around at everything I’ve built and all the friends I’ve made and I know we’re all looking for the next safe space to jump to while hoping we don’t lose each other overnight like “the olden days” where you’d wake up and your fave blogger was just gone.

And usually it was because they’d drawn or written something as simple yet explicit as a kiss. It was just the wrong kind of kiss.

So yea, the sky is not falling, but the ice under our feet sure is making worrying sounds.